Human and Machine Partnership

Human and Machine Partnership

Harness the power of machine intelligence to unlock your potential in uncovering the unknowns. Understand the opportunities and limits of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced analytics to help you strengthen your cyber resilience.

Industry Highlights


Artificial Intelligence plays a massive role in enhancing traditional cybersecurity.

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Expert Opinion

AI gives SOCs analytical prowess: 3 ways it can boost your resilience.

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Ninety-three percent of SOCs employ AI and machine learning tools to detect advanced threats.

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Expert Opinion

Four best practices for AI in the SOC.

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Guiding Principles


Focus on what matters most by beginning with the use case.


Prioritize principles and effectiveness over buzzwords.


Partner with machines to empower humans.


Leverage a holistic, multi-layered, and multi-disciplined approach.


Demonstrate the purpose of analytics techniques and promote debate.


Embody ethical AI and embrace good governance.

Speed Up Your SOC with Machine Learning

Watch this short tutorial on how AI-powered behavioral analytics accelerates and sharpens unknown threat detection.